Proper 28 | Ordinary Time 33 | Pentecost 25 (Cycle C)
The proclamation in most of the texts selected for next weekend is that God will soon act decisively to destroy rampant evil and those who remain faithful to God will survive because God will strengthen them. The parenesis is that the faithful must believe in God and that they must not be afraid. Until all of this occurs, the faithful must continue to be actively praising God and living in accordance with God’s good will for them.
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Proper 21 | Ordinary Time 26, Cycle B
Mark 9:38-50 It is clearly stated in this pericope that all evil and all evil impulses in a person’s life must be opposed by each person. In order to accomplish this, criticism of one’s self must be incisive, “cutting,” and complete. The core saying in Mark 9:40, “Whoever is not against us is for us,” [...]
Proper 22 | Ordinary Time 27, Cycle B
The unifying factor within the first three of these selections is obviously “the family,” more specifically “the ideal family” or “the family as it should be.” Genesis 2:18-24 This text, the second half of the “Jahwistic” folk tradition “creation” account that we have in Genesis 2:4b-25, is evidence for the belief among the ancient Israelites [...]
Proper 20 | Ordinary Time 25, Cycle B
Since Mark 9:30-37 is comprised of two loosely connected pericope units, most of the other texts selected for our use next Sunday branch out from Mark 9:30-37 in two different directions. Jeremiah 11:18-20, Psalm 54, and Wisdom of Solomon 1:16–2:1, 12-22 with their emphasis on threats to life and deliverance from evil, provide a backdrop [...]
Proper 19 | Ordinary Time 24, Cycle B
In each of these texts selected for use in our worship services next Sunday there is a model that the hearer is urged to follow. Let us look at these models more closely in preparation for our proclamation and for our parenesis next Sunday. How will these models be helpful to us and to the people with whom we serve as we prepare this week for the message that we will be called by God to share during the worship services next Sunday?