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Fourth Sunday of Easter, Cycle C

There is a message of confidence and assurance in each of these four texts chosen for Easter 4 in Series C.

Psalm 23

For us as Christians, Jesus as Lord and Savior has become in many ways what Adonai was for Israelites and continues to be for Jews. For us, Jesus raised from the dead is our shepherd who finds green pastures for us and leads us beside still waters, who restores our “soul.” For us, Jesus as the Risen Christ is our Lord and God just as for Israelites and for Jews Adonai is, was, and always will be Lord and God.

In English the word “Lord” is used as a title by which both Adonai and Jesus are addressed, signifying in each instance the most significant way in which God is perceived as Active in History. When as Christians we say, “The Lord is my Shepherd!” to some extent we may be thinking about Adonai as Lord as Adonai is perceived as Lord for Jews, but more likely most of us are thinking almost entirely about Jesus the Risen Christ as our Shepherd and Lord, especially on this Easter 4 “Good Shepherd” Sunday. Our use of Psalm 23 together with Revelation 7:9-17 and with John 10:22-30 on Easter 4 encourages us to think about Jesus as the “Lord” who is our shepherd in the symbolic imagery of Psalm 23.

Acts 9:36-43

In this text Peter speaks and acts with the power of God that in the Four Gospels is attributed to Jesus. We note also that in this Acts 9:36-43 text, expressing the prominence of women and the perspective of women in Luke-Acts, it is a very good woman who is brought back to life when Peter addresses her by name, “Tabitha!” and says, “Get up!” The message is expressed with confidence and assurance, just as we are called to express the message of these texts this coming “Good Shepherd” Sunday. Nothing less will be adequate.

Revelation 7:9-17

These words continue to carry for us a beautiful message of confidence and assurance that although we may be weeping in tribulation now, in the future we shall lack nothing when the Lamb of God will wipe away every tear from our eyes, shall guide us as a shepherd guides the shepherd’s sheep to springs of flowing water, protects us from the burning sun, and provides for our every need. Our Christian faith and hope are built on words such as this, not on words of accusation and condemnation of people who actually did not do that of which they are accused and for which they have been condemned.

John 10:22-30

Within the message of confidence and assurance recorded in John 10:27-29 the Johannine Jesus speaks as the Good Shepherd whose sheep hear his voice and follow him. The Johannine Jesus says in these verses that he knows his sheep and gives to them eternal life. They shall never perish. No one shall ever snatch them from his hand.

The controversy with “the Jews” in John 10:24-26 distracts and detracts from this otherwise excellent message of confidence and assurance. As in many other instances within the Fourth Gospel, in John 10:24-26 “the Jews” are said to be excluded because they do not believe as the Johannine people believe. We can put the necessary emphasis on the positive on this Good Shepherd Sunday if we do not use this controversy with the Jews portion of this text. As a person who is primarily within the Lutheran Christian tradition, I wonder why the Lutheran and Common Lectionary selections and the Revised Common Lectionary selections were expanded from the earlier (1967) Roman Catholic John 10:27-30 readings to include the anti-Jewish John 10:24-26 verses. Just as we who are non-Roman Catholic Western Church Christians have learned since the Second Vatican Council that we can be for Christ without having to be against the Roman Catholic Church, so also now and during the coming decades all of us who are Christians can and should realize that we can be for Christ without having to be against the Jews and against full participation in the Church by those who are in minority and powerless positions among us.

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Authors of
Lectionary Scripture Notes
Norman A. Beck is the Poehlmann Professor of Theology and Classical Languages and the Chairman of the Department of Theology, Philosophy, and Classical Languages at Texas Lutheran University
Dr. Norman A. Beck
Mark Ellingsen is professor at the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, Georgia
Dr. Mark Ellingsen
